Iguazio + Nuclio를 활용한 실시간 추천시스템 구축
Iguazio Data Platform Nuclio Serverless
jseung21's profile imagejseung21
2019-01-02 10:00
Nuclio is Serverless Engine
Architecture Function processors Function processors provide an environment for executing functions. The processor feeds functions with events, provides context and data, collects logs and statistics, and manages the function’s life cycle. Processors can be compiled into a single binary (when using Go or C), or packaged into a container with all the required code dependencies. Processor containers can run as standalone Docker containers, or on top of a container-orchestration platform such as Kubernetes. Each function...
jseung21's profile imagejseung21
2018-12-26 10:00
Iguazio is Unified Data Platform
Serverless Platform Iguazio combines real-time actions and AI across a variety of data sources and types, without compromising simplicity and fast time to market. The Iguazio platform includes leading open source data science tools, managed serverless functions and data services running on Kubernetes and on a real-time unified database. Open Platform for Intelligent Apps Faster Dev & Ops Accelerate time from data science exploration to production in a fully managed serverless environment with real-time functions,...
jseung21's profile imagejseung21
2018-12-26 10:00
Self-Driving Car Engineer Advanced Lane Finding
Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree Program Advanced Lane Finding Project The goals / steps of this project are the following: Compute the camera calibration matrix and distortion coefficients given a set of chessboard images. Apply a distortion correction to raw images. Use color transforms, gradients, etc., to create a thresholded binary image. Apply a perspective transform to rectify binary image (“birds-eye view”). Detect lane pixels and fit to find the lane boundary. Determine the curvature of...
jseung21's profile imagejseung21
2018-12-25 10:00
kubernetes를 이용한 서비스 무중단 배포
Kubernetes는 컨테이너 오케스트레이션 영역에서 거의 표준으로 자리 잡은 오픈소스 시스템입니다. kubernetes를 사용하게 되면 여러대의 노드를 하나의 클러스터로 묶어서 사용가능하게 됩니다. 클러스터를 구성하는 노드들중에 일부에 장애가 발생하더라도 장애가 난 곳에 있던 컨테이너가 kubernetes에 의해 다른 정상상태의 노드로 옮겨가게 되어서 컨테이너로 제공하던 서비스에 지장이 없이 서비스가 지속될 수 있게 해줍니다. 그래서 실제로 서비스를 운영할 때는 컨테이너만을 단독으로 사용하기 보다는 이런 오케스트레이터와 함께 사용하는 경우가 많습니다. kubernetes를 사용하면 배포를 보다 편리하게 할 수 있다는 장점도 있습니다. 앱을 실행할...
jseung21's profile imagejseung21
2018-12-24 10:00